Why Celebrations are NOT Optional in the BHM Making World | #7
Quick content note and trigger warning: This episode discusses loss of a parent.
Celebrating your growth is not optional if you intend to be an excellent steward of BIG Happy Money. Celebrating every single win, every tiny baby step forward, neurologically normalizes and regulates in the nervous system to help your brain LOOK FOR wins and proof of your growth. But you have to train it to look for the wins by celebrating, which is why celebration is MANDATORY for your BHM mindset.
Another reason celebration is necessary: Having money was not always safe for MOST of us under the patriarchy, so talking about these celebrations can feel UNSAFE. Celebrating normalizes the safety of gratitude and growth, grounds you in your power, and dissipates anxiety (while also highlighting thought errors you can coach through)!
The more you celebrate, the more you see and energetically receive your contributions to the world, which creates courage and invites you to continue participating in the circle of abundance. NOT. OPTIONAL.
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Love you, mean it!