The C Words: Competence and Confidence | #6

Hey there, coach. This episode is all about your CONFIDENCE and COMPETENCE. And also, your confidence IN your competence.   

You don't want to get your blood drawn by a nurse who is timid and nervous about their abilities, right? "Oh, I'm pretty new at blood draws, I might have to try a couple times, do you want a discount because I'm so new?" This is NOT BIG Happy Money, y'all. You'd ask for a new nurse! And your SOULMATE clients are WAITING for you to get over yourself and show up in CONFIDENCE of  your COMPETENCE.   

In this episode, Serena guides you to find the proof of your competence in your clients' results. And pro tip: You won’t JUST see results on the niche topic you coach on. Results and shifts for the clients come in all aspects of life! Celebrate EVERY result, especially the small ones, and this will help you realize and normalize for yourself that you ARE ALREADY the coach you need to be RIGHT NOW to serve your clients meaningfully.   

Remember to sign up for Serena's mailing list to hear about program enrollment, free trainings, and more at and follow her @xoxoserenahicks on Instagram.   

Love you, mean it!

Serena Hicks

Black biracial biz coach and money mindset mentor (maven tbh) who teaches humans how to partner with the living energy of money so they can create more and steward it in this world that creates more for all.

Why Celebrations are NOT Optional in the BHM Making World | #7


What to Do with the Sh*t in Your Life | #5