Let’s Talk…
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Cultivating Third Album Energy with Coach Elisa Owen | #24 [Season Finale]
HAPPY SEASON FINALE! Serena’s interview with coach Elisa Owen is the final story of the season showing you what is possible when you practice BIG Happy Money cultivating thoughts and beliefs.
This episode is the “before” of Elisa’s incredible story of reaching $50k cash collected in ONE month. It hasn’t happened yet, but it IS already happening. It’s in motion. Listen in to hear the thoughts that have created this milestone moment and remember, it totally can happen fast.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
The Breakthrough is in the Breakdown: Lessons from Business Coach Kim Trathen | #23
Trigger Warning: Kim shares a story of domestic violence and the murder of a friend.
Welcome to the podcast the incredible Kim Trathen, a multiple times member of the BIG Happy Money mastermind who is on the show to discuss the impact of doing deep inner work that inevitably affects and appears in your business, AND ALSO to show you what’s possible even if you’re a busy busy busy entrepreneur – Kim has grown a multiple six figure business in four years with a day job (until she quit!), three ADHD boys in sports, and a healthy marriage.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Learn By Doing (and Failing): Multiple Six Figure Success with Melanie Childers | #22
This episode is a special treat, essentially an opportunity to listen in on a Business Besties phone call between Serena and the magnificent Melanie Childers, coach to feminist badasses burning down the patriarchy.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
“That is for Me Too” – Desire and Belonging with Coach Gretchen Evangelista | #21
Content warning: Discussion of binge eating disorder
This episode is GLORIOUS and features BIG Happy Money Mastermind member, money mindset coach, and host of Love Yourself Rich, Gretchen Evangelista! Through divine intervention, Gretchen joined the BHM Mastermind 2.0 where she was able to celebrate her first paid in full coaching client at dinner with the mastermind team by her side.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
An Avalanche of Abundance: Making 140K in Six Months with Emilia Makówka | #20
It’s not just American or English speaking coaches who make BIG Happy Money, you guys.
Today on the show we’re joined by Emilia Makówka (they/them), coming to you from Poland to share the thoughts and actions that resulted in them making 140k złoty in six months as part of the BIG Happy Money Mastermind 2.0 group.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
7" Stripper Heels and Four Safety Pins - aka What You Celebrate, You Integrate | #19
This is the story of how Serena attended a fundraising gala in 7” stripper heels and a sequined gown secured with four strategic safety pins, leaving with not only a starring role in Ballet Austin’s 60th annual performance of The Nutcracker but also a position on the Board of Directors. (WHAT?)
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
The Fairy Godmother of Life Coaching, Gail Keyes-Allen | #18
It’s time to meet the Fairy Godmother of life coaching… who will kick your ass with love and take no excuses once you’re ready to do the work! Gail Keyes-Allen is a gorgeous example of a coach who lives in her breakthrough every day and made $196,000 in her first calendar year of coaching. (YES, let’s round that up to 200K!)
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Meet The Godmother of BIG Happy Money, Maggie Reyes | #17
This is a very special episode, you guys! Meet one of Serena’s coaches, the godmother of BIG Happy Money, Maggie Reyes!
Maggie is a marriage and relationship coach for Type A women, who describes her niche as having created her own category with no competition. Um, goals. We have much to learn from her, so let’s dive in!
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
51% Ready for Action: Interview with Jo Renshaw, Coach for Men | #16
Meet Jo Renshaw, coach for men! She helps her clients reduce stress and make more money in their businesses, and she has embodied BIG Happy Money in so many ways. At the time of recording, Jo has been in business for 2 years and 1 month – and she’s collected $83k in that time! LET’S FUCKING GO, JO.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Finding Your Brain's Superpowers; Coach Hailey Thomas Talks Brain Space Optimized and Celebrates $700K! | #15
Let’s get to know Hailey Thomas, who is HASHTAG Power Thriving in her world-changing business coaching first generation entrepreneurs, making nearly $700k in her first four years. There is SO MUCH incredible power in this episode so let’s dive right in!
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
The Messy Magic of Making 1.3 Million Dollars (SO FAR) | #14
You can’t make seven figures by yourself.
In this episode, Hailey Thomas of Brain Space Optimized reverses the roles and interviews Serena about creating her first $1.3 million in under three years..
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
A Bag of Chips Won’t Solve Your Problems: BONUS Minisode with Amber Taylor
It’s a BONUS EPISODE! After Amber’s interview with Serena, she’s back to tell a story about a guy who asked for a bag of chips in the grocery store.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
How she created 5+ clients in 3 weeks; Coach Amber Taylor breaks it down and talks Pleasure Activism too | #13
Welcome back for season two of BIG Happy Money™ with Serena Hicks! In this episode you’ll meet Amber Taylor, a pleasure and authenticity coach for Black changemakers. Amber helps her clients create change and impact in the world through the vehicle of pleasure (oooooh, yes, more please).
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Building Your Milestone Trophy Case | #12
You CANNOT over-celebrate your wins, and this episode is all about how to properly celebrate the milestone moments in your service based business. Milestones like your first $10k, $50k, $100k collected of course, but ALSO your first client, your first client who paid in full, your first consult that didn't feel awkward, your first client after raising your rates to Proper Pricing.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
How to Kill It in Your Consult As Seen on TV | #10
Have you ever watched 30 Rock? There's a scene where Alec Baldwin's character Jack is attempting to negotiate his nanny's salary. And she stays firm, knows her power, and is THE example of BIG Happy Money! (Watch the scene here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7-eoiY4bOo)
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
BHM IRL in Consult Containers | # 11
Hello, loves. Do you like buying cars from salespeople who smell desperate from a mile away, who start trying to explain and negotiate before you've even looked around at a car or said what you're looking for?
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Taxes and Fees Are Our Friends | #8
Do you hate paying taxes? Why?
In this episode, Serena shares how much her business paid in PayPal fees in 2021 (guess how much?? It's five figures) and why she CELEBRATES this number.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
The Difference Between Expensive Pricing and Expansive Pricing | #9
This episode unpacks a classic Serena-ism: "When you see your pricing as expensive, your clients will too. When you see it as EXPANSIVE, your clients will too."
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
The C Words: Competence and Confidence | #6
Hey there, coach. This episode is all about your CONFIDENCE and COMPETENCE. And also, your confidence IN your competence.
You don't want to get your blood drawn by a nurse who is timid and nervous about their abilities, right? "Oh, I'm pretty new at blood draws, I might have to try a couple times, do you want a discount because I'm so new?" This is NOT BIG Happy Money, y'all. You'd ask for a new nurse! And your SOULMATE clients are WAITING for you to get over yourself and show up in CONFIDENCE of your COMPETENCE.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Why Celebrations are NOT Optional in the BHM Making World | #7
Quick content note and trigger warning: This episode discusses loss of a parent.
Celebrating your growth is not optional if you intend to be an excellent steward of BIG Happy Money. Celebrating every single win, every tiny baby step forward, neurologically normalizes and regulates in the nervous system to help your brain LOOK FOR wins and proof of your growth. But you have to train it to look for the wins by celebrating, which is why celebration is MANDATORY for your BHM mindset.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
Only Vs. Already | #4
One of the fastest ways to shut down your abundant, audacious BIG Happy Money Mindset is using the powerful magic of the word "Only."
Maybe you've only made $1,000. You've only booked one client. You've only got 100 followers on Instagram.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
What to Do with the Sh*t in Your Life | #5
Sometimes, life is shitty. Shit can refer to when you feel like nothing is working, bad vibes, feeling yucky and NOT your glorious self, etc. You can use that shit for FERTILIZER.
For example, having hard conversations feels like shit in the moment -- yet is necessary to growth and integrity.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
First Rule of BIG Happy Money: It's Never About the Money | #2
What is BIG Happy Money? It's obviously money, right? Yes and no.
It's not just about money. It's never just about The Money. It is about creating, growing, investing, stewarding BIG, audacious amounts of money is a love-led revolution that serves YOU and YOUR CLIENTS.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
6 Thoughts That Are Costing You Money | #3
Learning to embrace and steward BIG Happy Money means working through some very expensive thoughts that are COSTING you money. In this episode Serena tackles six common thoughts she hears from clients (and works through herself, because we're never done learning).
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
BIG Happy Money Trailer
This is THE podcast for Coaches and Service-Provider CEOs who are ready to create and steward BIG Happy Money through their business. BIG Happy Money is about reclaiming your personal power, and functioning from a consensual sovereign point of view to create more of the same in this world.
BIG Happy Money With Serena Hicks
My Favorite Mistakes | #1
In this episode, Serena shares seven "failures" that could have stopped her in her tracks and led to an endless blame and shame cycle around money, value, and power. Things like debt, bankruptcy, shuttered businesses, getting fired, and more.
the trauma informed witch
Ep #65 - From $100K debt to a $735K biz
Serena believes that making and having #BIGHappyMoney is a social justice issue. As a biracial business woman, who went from bankruptcy to BHM based on her realization that the Patriarchy hates a well-resourced BIPOC, woman and/or non-binary individual; she offers that your money making is HOW we change the world. In this episode she shares her story and how shaming debt has its roots in classism and racism.
Joyful Marketing with Simone Seol
Big Happy Money Secrets w/ Serena Hicks
”When she first signed up for my mastermind, Serena had to borrow her boyfriend’s credit to pay for it. But, in just six months, she created almost $300,000. And now she’s on track to become a millionaire. Serena breaks down how she got out of a perpetually-broke mindset. From how to fill up your client roster by making your marketing plan feel like a party, to embracing good and bad clients, we’re talking about it all.”
Millionaire Mamas In the Making
Mastermind Magic with Serena Hicks
“This just in....a SPECIAL bonus episode with MY business coach, Serena Hicks, on being on the ground floor of a brand-new Mastermind.
I was in Serena's first round of her Mastermind and she shares why she thinks being on the ground floor is so special, and transformative for EVERYONE in the room.”
ep. 38 #BIG Happy Money
Serena is all about building financial freedom; beyond what you need to survive and the secret is money mindset. Your money mindset is your unique set of beliefs and your attitude about money. It drives the decisions you make about saving, spending, and stewarding money. Having the right money mindset is extremely important as an entrepreneur. That’s because when you own a business, you’re 100% in charge of the results you get (or don’t get).
Make Money As a Life Coach With Stacey Boehman
Episode #145: How To Blow Up Your Results with Serena Hicks
“I know my guest this week is going to seriously inspire you. The growth that she’s seen over such a short period of time is mind-blowing, and when she shares where she was when she started this journey and how she’s made it happen, you’ll see that the same is possible for you too!
One Year From Now with Hailey Thomas
#58: [Pt 1] Big Happy Money ft. Serena Hicks
“This week, I’m joined by my coach and mentor, Serena Hicks, in part one of a two-part conversation to discuss her growth as a business owner, her work with Antiracism School, and the concept of Big, Happy Money.”
One Year From Now With Hailey Thomas
#59: [Pt 2] Big Happy Money ft. Serena Hicks
“This week, I’m joined by my coach and mentor, Serena Hicks, in part two of a two-part conversation to discuss her first $100k month, reframing her thoughts around business, and how the concept of Big, Happy Money changed everything for her.”
The Bad B*tch Entrepreneur with Melanie Childers
Ep 8. Collaboration & Rising Together With Serena Hicks
“We’re sharing our big audacious initial goals, how fun it’s been to close the gap between where we were and where we wanted to be, and the 3 biggest things we’ve learned from our friendship. In this episode you’ll learn how healthy competition helped us level up over the years.”
The Simplifiers Podcast
177: How To Make Big Happy Money W/ Serena Hicks
“One thing you’ll realize when you hear Serena speak is that it’s NOT about the money. It’s actually all about the story underneath your ISH that is affecting your day-to-day decision making and keeping you stuck. Serena shows us how to (really) show up, do the inner work and as she says, “play full out.”…where you show up and claim your place in the world, doing the work you love.
Business As A Magical Practice
Episode 54 Big Happy Money with Serena Hicks
“To Serena, Big Happy Money means she doesn’t just want to make money, and she doesn’t just want to get by. She wants a lot of money, and she wants to receive and spend money with integrity. With none of that icky feeling…the biggest difference in her business now from when she started came when she decided that instead of complaining she was going to commit to the belief that she already had enough information and innate talent to help someone.”
Self Kindness w/Pete
Serena Hicks - BIG Happy Money - Allowing Magic to Happen in Your Life!
“Serena Hicks shares the full range of human emotions it takes to "fumbling forward" and live a wildly, authentic and beautiful existence! Serena beautifully models and explains how to step into being an "instrument of increase!" sharing how she used her rent money to pay for her first coach! You're gonna feel like you got a huge pep talk and giant hug at the same time!!”
The Yummy Mummy Podcast
Episode 25 Your Delicious Life With Serena Hicks
“A delicious conversation on MONEY and FOOD! We talk about how if mama ain't happy, ain't no one happy, why it is hard and normal for us to put ourselves first and why were are afraid to spend money sometimes! Most importantly we talk about having a delicious life and the skill of being able to STOP settling for just okay!
What Lights You Up with Sunny The Life Coach
E49 - Audacity Flips The Script , Changes The World with Serena Hicks
“… amazing conversation with my friend and Visibility Coach as we discuss what it means to be audacious. If you have ever found yourself questioning your identity and your place in the world, Serena is going to throw down the truth bombs within the first five minutes beginning with racial classification…and it just keeps getting better!”
The Podcast For Ambitious Women With Dr. Dee Frayne
Episode 30. Big Happy Money with Serena Hicks
“Serena shares her story of how she went from under-earning and bankruptcy to creating $400k in her business in two years. She offers how this big happy money is closer and easier to earn than we think, and that it's available to every single one of us with a few shifts.”