Finding Your Brain's Superpowers; Coach Hailey Thomas Talks Brain Space Optimized and Celebrates $700K!

Let’s get to know Hailey Thomas, who is HASHTAG Power Thriving in her world-changing business coaching first generation entrepreneurs, making nearly $700k in her first four years. There is SO MUCH incredible power in this episode so let’s dive right in!

Hailey’s superpower is seeing success patterns and being three steps ahead on anticipating future needs and growth. This superpower set her apart in her past as an executive assistant, and it’s still setting her apart in her coaching biz.

One of Hailey’s top BIG Happy Money takeaways took her a year and a half to fully understand – it’s NOT about the money! Seeing Serena coach in the BHM Mastermind on this topic over and over fully integrated the concept that money is a reflection of people’s thoughts and beliefs about a situation. Money itself is NOT the issue. This shift led to HUGE breakthroughs!

You’ll learn how Hailey created her multiple six figure business starting with just four hours per week and how she helps her clients feel safety to want and desire money – because this safety from within is what actually helps us make money, not the other way around.

Content Warning for this episode: Mention of abuse, alcoholism, and foster care when discussing the story of Wayne W. Dyer.

Catch Hailey Thomas on Instagram @BrainSpaceOptimized, at her website where you can apply to her twelve month residency program, and listen to her show One Year From Now on your favorite podcast platform. If you’re especially interested in Serena’s episodes you can find those here:

And of course, do NOT miss out on the magic that is Serena’s newsletter… you’ll get exclusive freebies, first dibs on mastermind applications, and more when you’re on this list. Sign up at RTF NOW.

Serena Hicks

Black biracial biz coach and money mindset mentor (maven tbh) who teaches humans how to partner with the living energy of money so they can create more and steward it in this world that creates more for all.

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