Only Vs. Already | #4

One of the fastest ways to shut down your abundant, audacious BIG Happy Money Mindset is using the powerful magic of the word "Only."   

Maybe you've only made $1,000. You've only booked one client. You've only got 100 followers on Instagram.   

"Only" is like multiplying by zero. It inherently says you're not enough and you're desperate for more more more in order to feel satisfied.   

"Only" takes you right out of your power.  

In this episode, Serena explains the magic and expansive shift to thinking "Already" instead of "Only."   

You've already made your first $1000. You've already booked your first client. You've already reached 100 people who love what you teach on Instagram.   

"Already" energy locks you into thinking that you are enough and sufficient, and puts you into a space to receive and honor your soulmate clients and BIG Happy Money.  

Remember to sign up for Serena's mailing list to hear about program enrollment, free trainings, and more at and follow her @xoxoserenahicks on Instagram.   

Love you, mean it!

Serena Hicks

Black biracial biz coach and money mindset mentor (maven tbh) who teaches humans how to partner with the living energy of money so they can create more and steward it in this world that creates more for all.

What to Do with the Sh*t in Your Life | #5


6 Thoughts That Are Costing You Money | #3