Maximize Your Career with Stacy Mayer: Why Women Need to Go For the ‘BIG, Happy, Holy WOW Money’ with Serena Hicks

Most of the corporate badasses I work with are motivated to advance their career so they can make a big, bold, beautiful impact in their organizations and the world.

And that’s great. I’m here to make a game-changing impact too.

But…while you’re out there being a complete badass and changing the way business is run from the C-Suite out, I want you to remember two things:

1. You deserve an incredible title to match the incredible leader you are becomin

2. You deserve to be paid handsomely for it, too

That’s why I invited my very dear friend, Serena Hicks, onto this episode of Maximize Your Career with Stacy Mayer.

Serena is an exceptional human being, a smasher of the patriarchy, and an all around total corporate badass in her own right.

She’s also a Black biracial money mindset mentor who teaches folks how to come into the right relationship with money by first coming into the right relationship with themselves

In this episode, she drops some truth bombs on us about the connection between earning a lot more money for ourselves AND rapidly increasing our ability to become the leaders (and the change) we want to see in the world.

Hit play and get ready for lots of giggles, a few swears, and a big dose of badassery.

Want to receive the recognition you deserve, step into a higher leadership position, get paid for your ideas instead of the hours you put in at work, and enjoy more time, freedom, energy, and joy? Then you need to get your hands on a copy of Promotions Made Easy. Get your copy here.

What You'll Learn:

  • Why change is always an inside job

  • Why you need to become an investigator of your own career

  • How to use money as a tool for transformation

  • How to build trust by asking for more

  • How your own career and financial success paves the way for other women to succeed

Serena Hicks

Black biracial biz coach and money mindset mentor (maven tbh) who teaches humans how to partner with the living energy of money so they can create more and steward it in this world that creates more for all.

TRAILER: Serena Hicks is Talking About Money... AGAIN!


Side Gig with Sindy Warren: Big Happy Money with Serena Hicks