The Invisible Living Energy of Money | #2

Do you treat money like a close friend? Do you appreciate it? Do you loooove on it?

Money is a living energy like creativity or LOVE, which you call into the seen, 3D world through ALIGNMENT (and appreciation). It wants to move to you and do great work THROUGH you, easily and always now.

But having a bunch of sticky, icky thoughts about it will roadblock you every time. Learn how to appreciate money and write it a sappy love letter in this quick episode all about the energetic power of money!

Don’t miss out on the incredible power of the Boom Boom Room to BOOM your business forward. Head over to for all the info.

Serena Hicks

Black biracial biz coach and money mindset mentor (maven tbh) who teaches humans how to partner with the living energy of money so they can create more and steward it in this world that creates more for all.

What Your DESIRE Is Trying to Tell You | #3


Introducing Holy Wow Money | #1